What's on my mind?
A prayer that Stephen prayed the other night, where he mentioned simplifying our lives this year. It's been stuck in my head ever since. I love the sound of that. I want that for my life and I think in a year I can make some good strides towards it, especially now that Benji is older and doesn't need as much constant attention.
I want a home that inspires creativity and I know open space and cleanness/organization does that. I want a home that we don't have to hide away in, a home that we can leave, so that we can do the best things, like hikes and parks and adventures. I don't want a home that clings to me anymore.
I want a home that is built for learning. I want a home that leaves room for lessons--not only in academics, but in the love of God for his people.
I want a home that people feel comfortable in. I don't want a home I'm afraid to let people into. I don't want a perfect home, but I want a home where people feel like they can express themselves safely, a home that flows with forgiveness and the peace of Christ and draws attention to things above, not to earthly things.