We had my mom's 6-person tent to set up (that really only fits 4). My mom, sister and I used to camp in that tent every summer on the Oregon Coast with family. It was fun to get to use it again. The tent memories live on! Steve and I set it up with the help of Alyse and Robert's high-power lantern and a flashlight. It went okay--one of the pieces had broken, but it wasn't a problem. It created a great exercise in communicating, though, which we're studying in our small group right now. :) "We have three short bars and no long bars when we should have one long bar and two short bars," I lined it out to Stephen. When he didn't catch on, I clarified: "One broke."
As we set up our tent, the rest of the crew was talking in a circle around the campfire. We learned that we had missed a few things in the 2 hour delay. Since we're studying fighting in marriage right now, they had decided to "count" all the couples fights that happened over the weekend. So when Stephen asked Ethan if he could help him figure out how to inflate our air mattress, Ethan flatly refused and Rachel scolded him with, "ETHAN!", and the rest of the group called out, "That's number one!!" We joked that of course it would be Ethan causing the first fight.
Disclaimer: Ethan was totally joking when he refused, and we all knew that. :)
We started with 1, 2, 3 and 4 in counting the "fights," but quickly lost count and probably skipped a few sets of ten here and there. :D It was fun.
Another thing Steve and I had missed was a snippet of conversation in which Jason had talked about how Sara always asks completely random questions associated with details she doesn't understand, and he's learned to just say, "...Do you really want me to answer that?" I gather they all thought it was hysterical, and I think it's pretty hysterical too, and it's become a staple in our group much like, "We've got ember!" from the last trip. These are the reasons God puts friends in our lives. :)
Once Steve and I set up our tent, we were able to join the circle at the fire. Much of our weekend was spent just sitting around the fire chatting with everyone, and our group's repertoire of inside jokes as a group is chock full now. :) It was great camaraderie.
We fit in some adventures too though!
On Saturday after breakfast, no one was really sure what to do. But Ethan (of course) had researched great hikes around the camping area and told us about one he had read about that wasn't too far off and not too terrible of a hike, from all accounts. Alyse, Robert, Hannah and Jordan opted out of the hike but Jason, Sara, Ethan, Rachel, Stephen and I were up for it. So we sprayed on the Deet and rubbed in the sunblock, put on our hiking clothes (however loosely defined!) and headed out in two cars to the site. Ethan had directions and both cars had GPS units, but none of us knew the area--and no two GPS units ever agree on one route to get somewhere! We ended up driving well past a turnoff and getting somewhat lost. We pulled off onto a random forest service road to look at our options. I grabbed our GPS unit and compared the road names in Ethan's directions with the road names on the GPS map and figured out how to get to us to where we were going. We led the way in my PT and covered poor Ethan and Rachel's car in dust as we drove the forest service roads to the hiking place.
The hike was beautiful, but tougher than we expected it to be! It didn't help that it was 85 degrees outside. I was sure glad I'd happened to wear my loosest-fitting shirt that day.
The hike was a total of 4 miles long (there and back) and 300 feet in elevation. The waterfall was 250 feet tall--smaller than Multnomah, but still very impressive! Stephen got some fantastic pictures.
The beaten path only went this close to the falls--there wasn't really a conceivable path up to the very top. Nevertheless, Ethan and Jason decided they wanted to go all the way to the top. I would have liked to go to the top, but wasn't really interested in risking life and limb for it. But Jason and Ethan did, in fact, make it up to the top tier of the waterfall--and discovered there was yet another tier above that! They attempted to get there, but the path got a little too risky even for their comfort... So they were contented with the middle tier.
Ethan picked Rachel some yellow flowers at the very top of the waterfall and brought them down to her. :) And then he made a show of presenting them to her: "Not everybody could have gotten you these flowers!" he said. I wished Stephen had gotten a video of Ethan presenting them to her; it was hilarious.
The hike exhausted most of us. Sara, Rachel and I all took long naps when we got back to the campsite. Ethan and Jason went on yet another hike...which, in Sara's words, was more like "wandering." They made their way to the smaller falls (30 and 100 feet) near our campsite and went swimming in the creek.
Saturday night around the campfire was my favorite part of the trip, especially after midnight when we got really goofy. Everything was funny. We also did a bit of planning for the young marrieds group though--trying to figure out how it's all going to work when we are no longer "young marrieds." It was kind of sweet to think of the lot of us growing old together. I can't explain how much value the group has been to Stephen and me, and I think everyone in the group feels the same way. It's so great to have them.
Sunday was packing-up day. We were in no hurry to leave, though, so we just packed our cars and then spent the last few hours enjoying the time. Stephen and I tried to go see the falls at the campsite, but couldn't find the path. Jason, Sara, Ethan and Rachel joined us, and Jason did his very best to find the path he and Sara had taken back in December when they were there, but in the middle of summer, it was overgrown with blackberry bushes and horsetail weeds. Jason got down there and back up, but none of the rest of us really wanted to attempt it. We got to see it from a distance--I was sad we didn't get to see it up close. But apparently we're going back to the cabin for a winter retreat! So we might be able to go see it then.
The last thing we did before leaving town was visit an ice cream parlor in Stevenson. Best ice cream I had tasted in a while! Their scoop sizes were enormous too. Their "Single" was pretty much a triple mashed into one giant scoop. The sizes we got were "Kid One Flavor Size" and "Double Kid Two Flavor" size. That was about all I could've eaten! It was delicious.
At the very end of the time at the ice cream shoppe, Ethan proposed an idea to the group. He'd never been to Mount Hood and had heard that you could drive around the base of it. He wanted to do that and invited everybody else to come too. My answer was an instant, "No, no thanks." Didn't even consult Stephen--whoops! But I was just exhausted. I needed to go home and crash--and Stephen, I think, did too. So we parted ways--Steve and I headed home, Sara, Jason, Ethan and Rachel drove around the base of Mount Hood.
It sounds like you guys had such a fun time! I love the picture of the waterfall. So pretty!